Monday, February 6, 2012

Sorry for not posting

So I haven't posted lately, I had a fight with my ice maker and though I won the battle I forgot that I took a container filled with packets of frozen hamburger out so that I could have some space in the freezer and ended up defrosting nearly a week of food.  Fortunately my fiance found it and popped it in the fridge before it went bad.  So it's been hamburgers and Manwich and tacos, which unfortunately had been featured recently in planned meals so I wasn't all gun ho to write it all up.  In addition I left a few things off the list or had shopping plans change and have a bunch of "doesn't work together" or "am missing an ingredient" to work with.  Blech!  While my typical answer to this is Spaghetti! or other pasta, I have some awesome frozen battered fish from Aldi and a packet of mashed potatoes.  Will get things back on track in the next few days.

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