Sunday, March 11, 2012

Garden update


 Well so far my IKEA bag idea seems to be working out well.  These are some zucchini plants that are growing like crazy and have been moved into their bag.  I am so happy because they are seeming so content in their new home and have grown a lot already. They are going on their third week now and I am so excited.

My carrot bag that got totally trashed by my charming puppy have been replanted and are sprouting happily in their new home.  They are about 12 days in. Yay!


So cheapy planting idea part 2 milk jugs for plants that need to be in a gallon sized pot.  I have these spinach plants moved into these jugs that I have cut the tops out of.  I drilled some holes in the bottom, and spray painted them.  I had some spray paint left over from other projects so the pots cost me nothing. :)  These are super awesome because you can pour the water into the handle of the jug.  I just moved them into their new homes today and I hope that soon they will flourish.

green beans

These green beans have also taken off wonderfully.  I am so excited.  These are also going into their third week and are very happy.

The cucumbers I have moved into these peat  pots that can be transferred straight into the bags when they are ready.  I am keeping those that are waiting to be transplanted in the little green house still.
basil/ parsley

Basil and parsley have also been moved into peat pots while I wait for them to develop a bit more before they move out into their homes.  I am totally going to baby these as long as possible.

There are a few more that are in their little seed thingie still while they develop a bit more.

1 comment:

  1. Look at you! I have not even started mine again. :-( But, after Kal'Els birthday this weekend, I will be on it!
