So I LOVE soft pretzels, I also have waaaay too much time on my hands, plus if you buy baking supplies in bulk these are DIRT cheap. I decided to make pretzels a while back and now into my 3rd or 4th batch I have a whole batch that actually look like pretzels. All of the batches taste AMAZING!! They also freeze fantastically.
I used a recipe that I got from Alton Brown on You can find the recipe here. Below is a rough calculation of the cost for the batch of 11 that I made. It comes to 84 cents for the whole batch!! I didn't calculate the salt or the baking soda, because a whole container is like .59 cents to begin with. And I didn't count the tiny bit of oil to grease the bowl/work surface for rolling. As for the pretzel salt? I dump every package of salt in a package of Super Pretzels (in the freezer section) into a container so I have always had a container of pretzel salt hanging out in my spice cabinet.
Alton's recipe is really simple and easy to follow like all of his recipes if you don't have a digital scale, it is something worth getting if you can find it cheap. I found one for like $10 at Aldi over Christmas and I love it it is great for dividing bread doughs and anything you buy in bulk! A few tips that make Alton's recipe work better for me. I usually try to get about a dozen pretzels out of it even though he says 8. If I divide the dough in 8 pieces my pretzels are WAY too FAT and they don't look nice. I divide the dough evenly on the scale. I think mine weighed about 3 oz apiece, but I don't remember for sure.
1tbsp sugar
4.5c flour
2oz butter
1 egg